The Ozark National Forest encompasses roughly 1.2 million acres, largely in the northern Arkansas Ozark Mountains, whereas the St. Francis National Forest in eastern Arkansas spans only 22,600 acres and is among the country’s littlest and most diversified forests.
The southern region of the Ozark National Forest extends southward to the Ouachita Mountains along the Arkansas River Valley. The Ozarks are basically plateaus with few folds or faults, and elevated as a whole. The roughness of these mountains is attributable to the erosion of the plateaus by the rise of rapid rivers. The forest covers four areas of wilderness and surrounds the Buffalo National River as well.
The term “Ozark,” the Anglicized version of “Aux Arcs,” meaning “with bows” was allegedly used by the early French adventurer, deTiene, to represent the Bow Indians, a tribe indigenous to the area.
The “Ozarks” is actually part of the Boston Mountains, which are defined by slender V-shaped valleys bounded by a mixture of steep slopes and vertical sandstone and calcareous bluffs which swoop alongside clear rivers. The greenery is comprised of oak-hickory highlands, hardwood with dispersed pine, and scrubby undergrowth populated by species such as dogwood, maple, redbud, witch-hazel, and serviceberry.
In the spring when the dogwood and redbuds seem to be in blossoms, but in the autumn when the woods transforms into a brilliant show of oranges, reds, yellows, and greens, this renders the Ozark National Forest to be among theĀ favorite destinations for tourists.
The St. Francis National Forest originated from the St. Francis River tucked away in the east-central region of the state. In the National Forest System, the St. Francis National Forest is the only location where the general populace can appreciate the spectacular Mississippi River from the coastline the magnificence of the “Father of Waters”.
Storm Creek and Bear Creek Lakes as well as the St. Francis and Mississippi Rivers draw large groups of fishermen to the region. Striped bass, largemouth bass, crappie, catfish, and bream are among the common fish species.
Check out The Old Spanish Treasure Cave, another popular tourist attraction in NWA
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